Guess what everyone? I have a super silly project to show you guys today. Its silly, but I happen to think it is AWESOME. Here goes!
I turned our refridgerator polka dotted! Somehow on Saturday I decided to completely clean off my fridge, but fortunately got a chance to take some before pictures. Talk about cluttered! I kept the fridge clean and white for about 24 hours before deciding that it needed a little something.
What could be more fun than polka dots? Made with washi tape? Here is how I did it:
-Lay several strips of wide washi tape onto waxed paper.
-Use a punch to cut a circle out of scratch paper.
-Use the punched shape to trace several circles onto the washi tape strips and then cut them out. (Unfortunately you cannot punch directly through the waxed paper...I tried that!)
-Now you have lots and lots of circles! Simply peel them from the waxed paper background (this is the tedius part) and stick them to your fridge as desired!
-Washi tape is repositional, so it wont ruin the fridge. :)
Here are the before and after pictures! As you can see, I also bought a cute little basket to house some of our many vitamins and sports drink capsules. I may not be able to do anything about the cereal boxes or protein powder on the fridge, but I think this set up looks a lot less cluttered. I organized our favorite magnets on the side of the fridge. We have collected them over the years from some of our vacations together.