Well, I've tried and tried to write this post and just can't seem to get it right. So it's time to just spit it out and hope that I get the point across. Here's the gist... I have too much stuff.
Joe and I keep talking about minimalism, and it has become abundantly clear that my office is in need of the most help this year. In the midst of a conversation, it dawned on me... is there a such thing as a minimalist crafter? And if there is... what would that look like, is that even possible, or is it a total oxymoron?
As with many other things, it was helpful to think about what a minimalist crafter is not. It's not an over-stuffed craft room, just filled to the gills with a wide variety of stuff that is rarely used. It's also not a stark white room with all black furniture with zero crafty details or character. It's got to be somewhere in the middle! I think Marij Hessel's office from Enter My Attic is pretty spot on!
So the next question I asked myself, or I imagine you might ask me... is why? Why attempt this? Well, for one, I enjoy creating and making things. And I feel like the current state of my office hinders that, not helps it. Often I'll grab a few things and work on a project while watching TV or in the living room. Or pack a small bag to go craft at a friend's house - and what I noticed is that the limitation of choices actually feels very freeing. So less stuff seems like a good thing.
I think the ultimate goal would be to not need a craft room. To have less stuff, yet make more. We live in a smallish space now and I already share an office with Joe. But we hope to buy a slightly larger but still smallish house in the eventual future, so space will always be at a premium. But how to start exactly? ...well, obviously I need to a giant purge (which will probably involve a giveaway of some kind! stayed tuned), and the rest, well I'd like to share my progress with you as I start on this journey to becoming a minimalist crafter!
Soooo... what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! And shout out to Marij for having a dreamy minimalist/crafty workspace!